Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Legend of Bunko Kelly

          As you know, if you have been following SQUAT!SQUAT?SQUAT with the dedication and loyalty of which I believe you posses - And well you should .... then... you are aware that this Blog is a requirement for a college English course. One of the requirements for our Blog is to choose three topics, research them, and then post about them in a somewhat compelling manner.. It's now time to move on to topic number two - PDX(stands for Portland Oregon) Myth and Legend.We have introduced one Portland legend, the Green Man, which we will continue to investigate.

 However, Portland's Old town China Town is infamous throughout the universe for more than just the Green Man. There is also Myth and legend surrounding some hidden tunnels that lie beneath the city. The tunnels, referred to as "The Underground" or "The Shanghai Tunnels" have been hidden below the Portland streets for over 150 years. Scallywags, Ne'er-do - wells, Pirates and ruthless murdering Nefarians once used these tunnels to kidnap men, women children puppies, kittens and unsuspecting octogenarians for pleasure, profit and unspeakable debauchery. They would "Shanghai"( Kidnap) these innocents, herd them through the Underground, then sell them into slavery, to serve upon ships wandering  the open seas, or abroad where they would serve as concubines to  fulfill the twisted fantasies of scoundrels and gentlemen alike. Once Shanghaied from the ports of Portland they were  never to be seen again. They would be remembered only in the foggy dreams of drunken sailors and fantasies of dockyard prostitutes.One of the most dastardly villains to prowell the Portland waterfront in the late 1800s was Joseph "Bunko" Kelly -" King of the crimps" ( crimp = shanghai = kidnap)
He could and would Shanghai and sell anyone or anything. Most of the time his victims were  alive but, as legend tells, Kelly kidnapped and sold a couple of dead men without blinking an eye; And, he did this without conscience and for a tidy profit. It's said that he even once stole and sold a wooden cigar store Indian into servitude. He received Fifty dollars for the stiff.

      These are just two of the many legends and myths that lurk beneath the friendly underbelly of this "Weird" not so little community -  Portland , Oregon, If you dare to the tour the "Underground" or wander near the waters edge, be extremely careful for you never know what dangers lie above or below the seemingly harmless surfaces of Portland.


  1. Have you been on the tour of the Shanghai tunnels? Not recommended for anyone with claustrophobia!

  2. I have never been on the tour of the Shanghai tunnels. But, I want to be on this tour because I am very curious about the tunnels.
