Saturday, July 11, 2015

So you think Vampires have "Jumped the Shark"

          The Throngs of the community have spoken and the verdict is... 
Yes my grateful follow has chosen Vampire Mice and all that goes with that topic.
          The statement “vampirism improves the quality of life” seems ridiculous and unscientific at first glance. However it is definitely a scientific.It is a valid hypothesis, focuses on our natural world (ignoring myth and legend), relies on fact, and the beliefs behind the statement can be scientifically tested and reviewed by the scientific community. Furthermore, the results of testing this hypothesis will lead to research in many fields. [i.e. Genetics, Sports, Geriatrics, etc.]  Researchers at Stanford ...
have discovered that “blood found in young mice seems to have the ability to turn back time in older mice.” Once injected with younger blood the older mice had increased cognitive and physical abilities. Now, what’s fascinating to me is that the process worked in reverse. When the young mice were given older blood they had to cope with geriatric – related issues. Work done by the Villeda lab and others has demonstrated that the nervous system as it ages upholds a certain plasticity. And using “heterochronic parabiosis” where they connect the circulatory systems of old and young animals, they have found that this plasticity can be used to reverse age- related impairments.  In addition these studies using parabiosis show that altering the levels of circulating proteins can restore stem cells and may be an “evolved mechanism to suppress cancer risk.”
         Now, the last step to see if “vampirism improves the quality of life “- human life – would be to   give young human plasma to older people with medical conditions. These tests will begin soon and were not difficult to gain approval. Experiments will begin in October.

          And finally, disregarding the vampire legends, the ideas of parabiosis and blood rejuvenation have been of interest to scientists as far back as the 1950s with studies at Cornell University in Ithaca and will continue with supplying the human race with significant scientific data that will lead to the improvement of the qualities of our lives 
So is “vampirism improves quality of life” scientific and will it become the fountain of youth that all "Baby Boomers" hope and prey for as they nip and tuck, inject and pop, meditate, and invent exercise programs only the desperate could practice? Undoubtedly YES. As it should be.... And thank the heavens for Rock and Roll Never Dies...


1 comment:

  1. Amazing stuff I'm interested to read what you figure out about links between the two Laikas and the Green Man. (PS-- might be easier on your readers to use the hyperlink tool on the blogger page so they can just click the links instead of copying and pasting. )
