Sunday, August 9, 2015

Near the End

          Well, my loyal minions this term is near its end and you brave souls are the ones who have remained to this not so bitter end.It has been an interesting journey. We have traveled from where semantics lurks within the chambers of imagination and naming; through the realms of entertainment media and the lands of myth and legend and arrived, blazing a trail, in the lands of vampire mice and genetically engineered primates. And all of this gave rise to one of the greatest gifts of humanity, a child’s curiosity and open-minded laughter. I will continue this Blog without the welcome restraints of the academic community’s regulations, so I hope you will continue to visit. For now, I simply have two recommended readings.

by George R.R. Martin   

“I'm just trying to make a smudge on the collective unconscious”; Dave Letterman

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