Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Name is the Thing


          Nicknames or names in general are ways of communicating how one feels about a person place, thing, or just about anything. I have found that whether it be a person [I 've been called Motor, Scooter, Stretch, Tap Out and Scott which is my God given moniker and many others.], a place [A huge hole in the Earth = ”The Grand Canyon”] or a thing [Stop motion animation/production studio =Laika, Loose Moose, Freak show or Panic Button], the name given is meant to add specificity and evoke an emotional response. Now the benefactor of the name applies it in hopes of evoking a specific response. And the recipient feels what they feel and react accordingly;And hopefully in the manner in which the benefactor expects. If the named is a place or thing then it is meant for others to respond emotionally and again, hopefully in the way the benefactor intends. However that's not always the case.

          Can You think of a time when you have misinterpreted the intention of the name?

I suppose being  that my major is Radio/Television/Film we'll begin by examining one of the names given to the stop motion animation studios; Laika. For a more complete list of stop motion studios see. -

 Based on my extensive knowledge of the universe and omnipotent sense of intuition, what I'm going to do now is to GUESS why the aforementioned businesses, Laika chose this label .Yes! I will begin by guessing why and how this studio chose it's name and later after further investigation and YOUR INPUT we shall  unveil the hidden secrets that lurk behind the curtains of fantasy that are shrouded and hidden deep within the minds of those who chose the name; LAIKA
          Let's begin. Because of my Russian heritage[My Grandpa Frank was Russian according to his birth certificate]  I  happen to  know that Laika was the name of a Russian dog that was rocketed into space. So I will GUESS that the ones who chose this name are not members of PETA. I come to this ridiculous conclusion because being that although this dog may seem happy to " Go - For - A -  Ride?"  He... We..... and the people of Earth had know idea whether the experiment would be  successful: Whether or not  the dog would return, wagging his tail triumphantly because he had seen things from a perspective that no human ever had ...... OR........Return as a semi conscious  mutilated fur ball  speaking a language only the residents of Titan could understand, wielding a deadly light saber, and ready to attack any unsuspecting life form unlucky enough to come within the saber's realm.
           As history can attest the dog did come back alive and well providing invaluable information that would change the course of mankind forever.
            Is this Laika studio's mission;to change the world and boldly go where no company  has gone before?
           If that be case, Then they may very well be loyal members of PETA. They may even have founded PETA. For all I know the studio may contribute millions to the care and protection of animals of all kinds.
                                              WHO KNOWS?

            My best guess is that  Laika (The Dog), one of the first  to leave our atmosphere,  symbolizes innovation, courage, intelligence, risk taking and the ability to push the boundaries of thought and creativity while realizing the potential of humanity.Now......
                                  Is this LAIKA's ( Stop motion picture studio) mission? OR......
                                                   Do they simply like dogs?

I suppose we shall investigate.......

“Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one, is a life diminished.”
Dean Koontz 

           Would our life without Laika be diminished?

                          Until we uncover more clues into the mysteries of  Laika
                                               You can find more information at....

                            Next ..... We Shall delight in the legend of Portland's

1 comment:

  1. Laika's sad tale:

    I remember when Laika took her trip. Poor pup!
